We offer both in person and virtual support groups free of charge.
Stillbirth and Early Infant Loss Support Group
This group is for parents who have lost a baby during late pregnancy or shortly after birth. Guided by trained facilitators who have also experienced a loss, these meetings offer a safe environment where women and men can openly share their thoughts and feelings and support each other through the grieving process. Meets weekly for 7 consecutive weeks. Partners are encouraged to attend.
Registration required.
Miscarriage Support Group
This group is for parents who have recently lost a baby during pregnancy. Guided by trained facilitators who have also experienced a loss, these meetings offer a safe environment where men and women can openly share their thoughts and feelings. This group meets on demand and partners are encouraged to attend.
Registration required.
PAL Support Group
This group is for parents who have previously lost a baby and are CURRENTLY expecting. Guided by trained facilitators who have also experienced a loss, these meetings offer a safe environment where men and women can openly share their thoughts and feelings. Partners are encouraged to attend.
Registration required.
Ongoing Support Drop-In Group
This group is for parents who have lost a baby during late pregnancy or shortly after birth and are looking for ongoing support after the 7 week group.
Registration required.